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Ethical Sales

Eileen Fisher's prices, to me, are very high. I understand that the clothing is made by organic materials and they're made with quality, but in my opinion I wouldn't pay £400 for a plain dress. 

However, to get a good quality piece of clothing from somewhere that you know is continuing to make materials better, you know you can trust them and it'll be worth the money if you're willing to pay for it.  

ABLE's prices are reasonable because of how they are made and who it's actually for. Even though the clothes are a bit plain, they are made for a good cause for women who are discriminated. To be honest, this company is worth the price where as Eileen Fisher isn't, the fabric is fresh from both companies, but one company over prices their clothes for themselves and no one else. 

To be honest, it's hard to say if it's worth it to pay for clothes at Rent the room. It gives women the opportunity to wear clothes that they either couldn't really afford or couldn't find the right design/size. I know that paying hundreds isn't worth it as the company doesn't exactly help the environment; it re-uses clothes that have been rented, but is it really good enough? In my opinion, you could easily buy similar things for a cheaper price and if it doesn't fit etc, of course you can send it back, or if after time you don't like it, you can always give it to charities, who can either give to people or they re-use the fabric.  

I wouldn't really care for renting something like that because I know I can save money by shopping somewhere else. 

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