Courtney Dootson
Graphic Design Student
Traditional Work
In my studio sessions, I used a variety of skills from stitching to drawing and the use of ink to the use of photogram. My favourite part of the traditional work was the stitching. I used a digital sewing machine to help me sew the letters onto the fabric and to do that, I put in the letters I needed and put my foot down to get on with it. I haven't used a digital sewing machine before and by doing it, it helped me gain a skill. My drawings are mainly for an artist appraisal that I'm researching and to be honest I enjoyed drawing my thoughts down; I liked the way I created my own character like people and made it slightly grungy.
Even though I haven't done much studio work, my project is mainly about the digital work as I am doing an online shop and catalogue pages. Overall, I'm pleased with the work I did and I hope to add them into my main pieces of work.