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Catalogue pages experiment

My original idea was to create experiments like these layouts for my catalogue. They give are pleasing to the eye and they stand out more than layouts that are cluttered and boring. At first, they inspired me to create ideas like that so my catalogue layout is upbeat and creative as much as possible; I thought it would help me with the layout, but in the end, I was getting stressed out with it and didn't do many experiments. 

To create these images, I used the threshold adjustment and I also played with the different types of adjustments too. To keep the hair colour for edit 2 and 3, I used the similar selective tool and levelled the colour further to make it stronger and to stand out more, but then I used the posturize tool to define the definitions. I tried to experiment with the layouts, but again, I was getting stressed because I didn't know what I did actually looked good for a catalogue/magazine layout. 

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